Click one to know what it can do for you.
Same as menu item File->New...
To create a new ScreenSaver. When you clicked this menu item, the
New Wizard is opened. It will guide you to create your own ScreenSaver step by step.
Same as menu item File->Open...
To open a ScreenSaver file to edit(it must be created by !Easy ScreenSaver Station). You can also
Drag and Drop to open a ScreenSaver quickly.

If your ScreenSaver is modified, it is the same as menu item File->Save->Save.... Clicking it will save your ScreenSaver to the file. The file type is based on the file name you specify.
- *.SCR - Standard ScreenSaver file
- *.EXE - Self-installing ScreenSaver
- *.SSD - ScreenSaver Data File
You don't need to enter the extended filename manually. Just select the file type at the bottom of the save window. The extended filename will be added automatically.(In some system such as Windows XP the extended filename may be hidden.)
If it is not modified, clicking it will show a dropdown menu so that you can select to save another copy, or to save the current selected image, Flash or the background music file.
Same as menu item Edit->ScreenSaver Property...
To set the property of your ScreenSaver. You can specify the ScreenSaver name, description, background color or background image, opacity, copyright information, password, etc..
Same as menu item View->Preview...
To preview your ScreenSaver. It is the same as it been running.
Same as menu item File->Install...
To install your ScreenSaver, set it as the default ScreenSaver in your system. If you are editing a ScreenSaver Data(.SSD) file, the SCR Player will be set, and the SSD file is set as the default one to be played by SCR Player.
Same as menu item File->Mail...
To send your creation to your friends or family via E-mail. If you installed the E-mail program such as Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Outlook Express, your creation will be zipped to a ZIP file and attached to the E-mail automatically.
Same as menu item File->Close
To close the opened ScreenSaver file.
If you have not saved the ScreenSaver, there will be a prompt message asking you whether to save it.
Same as menu item Help->Help Contents
Just to read this help file.
Same as menu item Help->DDSoft Home Page
To visit
our web site. You can get more information about !Easy ScreenSaver Station on our web site.
Same as menu item Help->Buy Now
To buy !Easy ScreenSaver Station and get the full version. A web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer will be opened and you can to make an online secure purchase on the Internet.
Same as menu item File->Exit
To exit !Easy ScreenSaver Station.
If you have not saved the ScreenSaver, there will be a prompt message asking you whether to save it.